Sunday, September 20, 2009

What we did on our summer vacation Part Deux

The next highlight of our summer was our trip to Michigan over the Fourth of July. It started out strong and ended up awful. It was my worst summer vacation ever. And that's not an exaggeration, and I know things could've gone worse-but in my personal vacation history, this was the worst.

Joaquin and I took the ferry from Milwaukee to Muskegon - I love this ferry! It is pricey to bring your car on, so Art drove (happily and peacefully by himself). Here's Joaquin waiting to board:

And here we are somewhere in the middle of Lake Michigan:

We stayed with a lot of family on Duck Lake near Whitehall, MI. Joaquin was not a fan of water. You will not find a picture of him smiling near water because water cannot be trusted. We were able to get him to reluctantly stick his toes in the water, but that was about it. There was definitely no playing and splashing this year. Maybe next year! Here are the Guerreros on Duck Lake. Isn't it pretty?

Here's Joaquin tolerating water in his presence:

And, here's his cousin Ryan enjoying it just a little tiny bit more.

Ok...and this is one of the last photos we have of any of us on that trip...

Because not long after this photo was taken, Joaquin threw up that meal ALL OVER ME. I can barely look at that's so tramatic. We had to head straight to the washing machine and bath. He had a stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down, and couldn't sleep. We were quarantined in one of the houses feeding Joaquin saltines and water. We left a few days early so we could recover at home, and there is no place like home when you have a sick baby...lesson learned. The one bright spot was that after the saltine and water diet, Joaquin was officially done nursing, so there's the silver lining!

We are excited to give this trip another go in 2010! Hopefully we have made an appropriate sacrifice to the gods of bad vacations, and it will be an awesome trip.

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