Tuesday, September 22, 2009

after bedtime

This boy just went to bed an hour ago, but I already miss him. So, what's Joaquin into these days? Here's a summary of his likes and dislikes

Noodles! I think he likes noodles more than anything. really. He can eat a lot of noodles.

The washing machine! Still! But now he likes to turn it on and off. Curses. Why did I encourage this relationship?

Lids! Lids are so cool. Particularly if we have the lid and the container and can put the lid on and take it off over and over. But even if we just have the lid, that is nice too.

Doggies! Joaquin loves a tail wagging in his face and laughs and laughs at all the dogs in the neighborhood.

Sleeves - Ugh...Long Sleeves are so bothersome. They cover his arms and almost touch his fingers. How disgusting. Joaquin will whine and stick out his arms until I roll them up.

Water - Water is so gross and slimy, as we have already established.

Dirt on the bottom of his feet - Joaquin will stop whatever he is doing to plop down on his butt, pick his feet up and contort himself so that he can get a clear view of whatever is stuck to the bottom of his feet. Then he will remove it, and give it to me. Problem solved.

Cold Milk - What kind of peasant do you take me for? I like my milk gently warmed please!


Anonymous said...

It's funny how we look forward to nap times and bed times only to miss them when they're not around. I hope Joaquin comes around to long sleeves otherwise winter will not be fun!

Abby said...

I've been enjoying your updates, Libby. Hopefully we can get together sometime this fall.