Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fall in the air

It was a very pretty fall like weekend around here!

Joaquin looks like he's really on the move in this picture..In another month or so we won't be able to hang out outside and I'm not sure what we're going to do. We keep trying to show Joaquin how cool TV is...we've tried all the good stuff--Sesame Street, Thomas the train, Elmo...nothing holds his attention. Maybe by the time winter hits something will stick.

And this is pretty typical behavior. Periodically, a bit of dirt or debris becomes troublesome to Joaquin so he will whine and hand it to you.

Friday, September 25, 2009


It makes me happy that in my life it is perfectly understandable why there's a raw potato next to the fireplace.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

after bedtime

This boy just went to bed an hour ago, but I already miss him. So, what's Joaquin into these days? Here's a summary of his likes and dislikes

Noodles! I think he likes noodles more than anything. really. He can eat a lot of noodles.

The washing machine! Still! But now he likes to turn it on and off. Curses. Why did I encourage this relationship?

Lids! Lids are so cool. Particularly if we have the lid and the container and can put the lid on and take it off over and over. But even if we just have the lid, that is nice too.

Doggies! Joaquin loves a tail wagging in his face and laughs and laughs at all the dogs in the neighborhood.

Sleeves - Ugh...Long Sleeves are so bothersome. They cover his arms and almost touch his fingers. How disgusting. Joaquin will whine and stick out his arms until I roll them up.

Water - Water is so gross and slimy, as we have already established.

Dirt on the bottom of his feet - Joaquin will stop whatever he is doing to plop down on his butt, pick his feet up and contort himself so that he can get a clear view of whatever is stuck to the bottom of his feet. Then he will remove it, and give it to me. Problem solved.

Cold Milk - What kind of peasant do you take me for? I like my milk gently warmed please!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What we did on our summer vacation Part Deux

The next highlight of our summer was our trip to Michigan over the Fourth of July. It started out strong and ended up awful. It was my worst summer vacation ever. And that's not an exaggeration, and I know things could've gone worse-but in my personal vacation history, this was the worst.

Joaquin and I took the ferry from Milwaukee to Muskegon - I love this ferry! It is pricey to bring your car on, so Art drove (happily and peacefully by himself). Here's Joaquin waiting to board:

And here we are somewhere in the middle of Lake Michigan:

We stayed with a lot of family on Duck Lake near Whitehall, MI. Joaquin was not a fan of water. You will not find a picture of him smiling near water because water cannot be trusted. We were able to get him to reluctantly stick his toes in the water, but that was about it. There was definitely no playing and splashing this year. Maybe next year! Here are the Guerreros on Duck Lake. Isn't it pretty?

Here's Joaquin tolerating water in his presence:

And, here's his cousin Ryan enjoying it just a little tiny bit more.

Ok...and this is one of the last photos we have of any of us on that trip...

Because not long after this photo was taken, Joaquin threw up that meal ALL OVER ME. I can barely look at that's so tramatic. We had to head straight to the washing machine and bath. He had a stomach bug and couldn't keep anything down, and couldn't sleep. We were quarantined in one of the houses feeding Joaquin saltines and water. We left a few days early so we could recover at home, and there is no place like home when you have a sick baby...lesson learned. The one bright spot was that after the saltine and water diet, Joaquin was officially done nursing, so there's the silver lining!

We are excited to give this trip another go in 2010! Hopefully we have made an appropriate sacrifice to the gods of bad vacations, and it will be an awesome trip.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What we did on our summer vacation Part I

We the staff of Guerrero Family News have been away for a quite a while. I'm not sure what happened, but once I got out of the habit of posting, it was hard to get back into it! But we've had a nice summer and made some good memories to share.

On May 30, we had Joaquin's first birthday party! Joaquin turned one on June 3, 2009. The party was a lot of fun--it was a beautiful day and we had lots of great family and friends there. We had a bouncy house that Uncle Marc really enjoyed. I think some kids were in there too at some point, but we really got our money's worth from Uncle Marc jumping around in there.

And we had a pinata that was as violent as pinata-hitting should be. It required 2 bats to bust open.

Joaquin enjoyed some candy.

Here's Joaquin in his crown wondering why everyone is singing and staring at him...

We gave Joaquin freedom to enjoy his cupcake, but Joaquin is generally not a fan of sweets, especially smooth and creamy treats like frosting, pudding, ice cream, whipped cream. So, true to form, he approached the cupcake very tentatively and was done with it after a few minutes. This is the messiest he got!

And Joaquin had a lot of fun.

Stay tuned...I swear I'll post more!