Saturday, June 19, 2010

The new trike

Joaquin's birthday was a pretty low-key affair this year, which was kind of nice.  We did go to Uncle Marc and Aunt Lindsay's and cousin Ryan for a small celebration. Ryan and Joaquin are really starting to interact with one another as opposed to just playing independently near each other.  Ryan is thrilled about this development!!
Art's and my gift to Joaquin was a new tricycle.  It is red with awesome fenders, tassels on the handle bars and a nice bell.  Joaquin loves it and calls it his 'beek'.  His legs are still a little short to reach the pedals, so he just pushes himself along with his feet.  He loves the bell. The sidewalk out front is on a slight decline, so he scoots himself along and once he gets going at a good clip, he rings the bell. 
The only downside is that he doesn't always want to ride his trike all the way home. So, he just stops and abandons it...realizing he can just run and probably get to his destination a little faster.  That leave me or Art to carry or push it home.  He just hops off and starts running, and then quickly glances back at the trike.  Maybe he's into training for some sort of toddler triathlon...hmm.

1 comment:

Abby said...

That's a cool little roadster!