Sunday, July 18, 2010

Not cool mom, not cool.

We went to a really awesome 4 year old's birthday party last night.  It was the equivalent of an all-night rager for Joaquin because we didn't head home until 9:15 p.m.  He played for 5 hours and had a blast.  I didn't bring my camera so have no pictures,which is unfortunate because we had a couple of major milestones occur.   This party had one of those bouncy houses and Joaquin was eyeing it all afternoon before he finally got up the nerve to crawl in there at 8:45 p.m.  That was the first milestone.

I was a nervous wreck.  He wasn't alone in there - there were several kids of varying ages including a NINE YEAR OLD.  So, every time Joaquin would fall, I'd gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. He just looked so tiny in there, and it seemed unnatural for him to be falling and bouncing and flopping around.  So, Milestone #2 - I proved that I am a complete dork of a mom.  The whole time Joaquin was in there, I was watching from the outside, and I'd randomly yell things to the other kids like "LOOK OUT KADEN, JOAQUIN IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!"  "WATCH OUT FOR THE LITTLE GUY" or "WATCH OUT FOR JOAQUIN, HE'S ONLY 2!!". 

He bounced and flopped and jumped to his heart's content and had no interest in leaving.  Art and I were calling for him from the outside and pressing our pathetic faces up against the netting and Joaquin would just bounce away to the other side of the bouncy house and completely IGNORE US. Finally, Art had to stick his head in the little netted entryway, crawl about half way in to grab Joaquin and pull him out by his legs.  he kicked and screamed and was not happy when we started to head home.

My other completely uncool moment was during some squirt gun play earlier in the afternoon.  I said this to a 14 year old kid who was, in fact, squirting grown-ups: "Please stop squirting the grown-ups."
I wasn't holding on to much hope that I was still cool, but when I heard myself say 'grown-ups', i knew it was all over.   

When Joaquin woke up this morning, I asked him, "Do you remember that awesome party we went to yesterday?" And he nodded a very dramatic nod, so I asked him, "What was your favorite part of the party?" and he said "Friends Friends Friends Jump Jump Jump".  It's so much fun to see Joaquin get excited about life.

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