Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009...may the force be with you...

Halloween was a lot of fun this weekend. We started Halloween festivities on Friday when our friends Dana and Ryder hosted a halloween preview playdate. Our playdates just get more and more exciting as our babies get older. It was a lot of fun - here's just a snapshot of the chaos.
We tried to get all the kids on the couch for a picture in their costumes but I got no good shots of that. I'm not sure what sort of magic photographer could get 7 16-month-olds who were all overdue for a nap to sit on the couch in costumes at the same time. But I'll be anxious to see what Jaxon or the Weils post!

On Saturday, we made a questionable decision to go to Ikea before trick-or-treating, so our little jedi-master almost napped thru all the daylight trick-or-treating. He finally woke up and i crammed some pasta in his mouth for dinner and got him outside just in time to get a few pics of Joaquin in his Yoda costume before the sun went down.

Always two there are...a master and an apprentice....

Here we are on our way to trick or treat. Art held down the fort while Joaquin and I went out. We just hit a handful of houses since I don't really need the candy.

Joaquin was a quick study. After i demo-ed the process at a couple of houses, he took over and would walk up to the door and knock on his own. He eagerly dug into the candy bowls and wouldn't stop grabbing candy until I told him to. Other than the large amount of banana Laffy Taffys he came home with, trick or treating was a success. One of our neighbors had an after-hours party and we had a few more snacks before it was time for bed.


Abby said...

I love the Yoda costume, especially the view from the back because Joaquin is the perfect height. It looks like you had lots of fun and lots of friends to celebrate with.

LOMO Family said...

Super cute! He looks adorable! I'm glad he had a good time!

Unknown said...

Love the costume! I'm impressed he was all about the trick-or-treating!