Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Getting ready for school

Joaquin loves getting ready to go to daycare in the mornings. Except putting a diaper on and getting dressed - that's a daily negotiation. We have a nice morning routine that includes a breakfast of scrambled eggs with cheese, an Eggo waffle and some sort of fruit. While Joaquin eats his breakfast, I pack his little daycare bag. We have a little canvas bag that we bring his sippy cups to daycare in each day. When he sees that bag he gets very excited. When he's finally free from his highchair, he grabs the bag and throws it over his shoulder and heads for the door. He turns around to wave and say 'Bye!' or more accurately, 'Bah!'.

Joaquin takes saying and waving 'Bye' very seriously, and I laugh every time. It requires a stretch from toe to fingertip. His stance is like how you would stand if you were pointing at something really far away - he reaches forward and stands on his tippy toes and reaches his arm out as far as he can. His 'wave' is more like the motion you would make with your hand if you were milking a cow. He sometimes loses his balance when he waves bye because it really requires a lot of coordination.

Anyway, so Joaquin stands at the backdoor ready to go. I usually can finally convince him that we need to put our shoes on, and then he heads right back for the door again. When I open the door, he crawls down the stairs and walks over to the car- with the bag over his shoulder. He has the biggest smile and he is very happy to get in the car and head off to school.

Maybe this is one of those things that only Joaquin's parents will find amusing. Oh well. It's one of the daily pleasures we get and I don't want to forget his funny toddler behavior. I always wonder whether his mannerisms now will stick with him the older he gets.

OK..rambling complete. Thanks for listening. Over and out.

a.k.a "MAMA!"

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