Tuesday, May 12, 2009

First haircut!

We had an exciting milestone today. Joaquin got his first haircut and some would say that it was overdue. His hair was way down in his eyes. Let's take a look at a before picture...He kinda had a Zac Efron hairstyle here.

So we took him to 'Kids Hair' for his first trim. Joaquin was very good--he was suspicious of the whole event, but he sat very nicely thru the whole thing.
But he was very careful not to smile at all....

Tada!! He looks like a little boy, and he probably can see a lot better without hair in his eyes.

That is one cute baby if I do say so myself.

If you haven't had enough yet, here's a quick video of the event. He was particularly concerned about those noisy clippers.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Joaquin! Looks like you did great! Can't wait to see the new do on Friday!

LOMO Family said...

Very handsome! We love the new do!

Melissa said...

You were such a good boy during that 1st experience. I really hope my boys are that brave when we go....It'll be very soon for Josh! :)