Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sick season

Please send a charter flight to somewhere warm.  It's snowing again this morning!

Joaquin has been sick since Thursday - just cold/low fever, but he's been whiny and cranky and uncomfortable. We have watched 'Cars' about 20 times in the past 4 days.  Similar to last year, January and February are proving to be full of non-stop illness.  I was hoping this year would be better since he's a little older, but he seems to be always battling something, and Art and I are constantly figuring out how to actually go to work.

Could be worse!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

sorry to hear he's been sick so long! Aaron started a fever this morning and yes, it starts the dance b/t dave and I of who stays home. it sucks! Sending healthy thoughts your way!