Monday, January 4, 2010


In the mornings since we've had the Christmas tree up and decorated, I start many of my day by carrying Joaquin downstairs. It's dark in the house except for the lights from the tree and when we turn the corner to head into the family room, Joaquin says 'wowwwwww!' It won't bother me too much if it wasn't soooo dark when we woke up, but his reaction makes the tree more magical. I also thought the Christmas tree would be the source of more battles. I thought for sure he'd try to take off the lights, the ornaments and maybe even climb it. But after spending a little time plucking the low hanging ornaments off, he left it alone and just enjoys looking at the lights.

Grandpa Bill was here with us on Christmas morning. We opened grownup presents on Christmas Eve and I am very excited because Art got me a fancy new camera - so be prepared to be wowwwwww-ed by my mad photography skillz going forward. Christmas morning it was all for Joaquin. Check out his awesome Christmas pjs!

Joaquin got some great gifts from his grandparents. He was having so much fun with the stuff he got that we've saved some presents in the back room for later. He enjoyed his Airforce One - I don't think it's too early for him to start getting acquainted with the equipment.

We moved the party down to Lockport later in the day to celebrate with Uncle Marc and Aunt Lindsay and the Grants. They cooked us an awesome dinner.
I took a lot of pictures with my new camera on Christmas. I could also show you the plate of cookies, the corn salsa and the dancing snowman if you like! No??!?

Here are the boys in their cute matching Christmas sweaters from Donna. That confused look? That's because Art was standing behind us waving a broom or shovel around and chanting and hopping.

Ryan's working on his walking. And yeah, I let Joaquin chew on a toothbrush sometimes. I think my mom would be cool with it.

The next day we were back home for some beautiful fluffy snow.

Check out his flippers!

And Joaquin had to get caught up on some laundry.

I hope you had a great Christmas too!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great Christmas! Was that a train set I spotted? We must get together to play with all of our new toys!

Your Mommy has no excuse to not update your blog now that she has a fancy new camera!

Abby said...

Happy New Year to you too Libby! It looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas.