Friday, February 6, 2009

Month 8

Dear Joaquin,
This week you turned 8 months old. We were so sleep deprived and overwhelmed to notice for a little while. I think this month may have been the low point of your life so far... You have been sick all month! Mostly it was just a runny nose, but in the last week, you got your first ear infection and just looked miserable. You slept terribly. And at a particular low point, the night after it took me and your dad a couple hours to get you back to sleep at 3 a.m., the furnace broke...and the washing machine. Fortunately you are on the mend now...and everything is back in working order.

In other developments this month, you are so close to can get up on your hands and knees, and as soon as you get the coordination to move one of your knees, you will be off! Cheerios are the best babysitter around. We can put you in the highchair and as long as there is a constant supply of Cheerios, you are happy to sit there for a good long while. You've had lots of fun at the babysitters playing with the other kids now that I'm back at work. It's fun to see you playing and watching what the bigger kids can do.

You're starting to look and act like a little boy and once you're on the move we'll really be in trouble!

Lots of Love,

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