Thursday, December 18, 2008

Big Boy Carseat

Since Joaquin can now independently support his ENTIRE torso AND head, and he is a whopping 18 pounds, he started to outgrow his infant carseat. So he's been upgraded. He'll be riding in style well into toddlerhood with this baby.

This also means that he has to wear a winter coat since we can't just pile blankets on top of him. As you may know, Joaquin doesn't like to layer. He still looks uncomfortable--sorta like when you put clothes on a dog. He doesn't move a muscle. I try to show him that he can still play with his toys even though he has a coat on, but he isn't buying it so far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Joaquin! Congrats on moving up to a big boy seat! Did you go out in the snow today? We hope you have a wonderful holiday and Happy New Year!
Love, Jaxon