Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween

Oh Blog, why have I forsaken thee? But nothing can propel me back into posting like cute pictures of the baby in a halloween costume. It's been a busy couple months! Joaquin will be 5 months old on Monday, Nov. 3. He had me a sleep deprived stupor for the better part of September. We've turned a corner in that department, and while we still visit a couple times at night, it's a tremendous improvement. He generally goes to bed at 7, has 1 or 2 feedings, and wakes between 6-7 a.m. And as an added bonus, Art and I have been able to get reaquainted now that he has an earlier bedtime. " on the look familiar". So here are a few Halloween pics. Props to Aunt Missy for the costume. (Thanks, Mis!) It's a no-fuss, comfy costume, so I plan on having him in it constantly for the next two days.

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