Sunday, February 6, 2011

Sick season

Please send a charter flight to somewhere warm.  It's snowing again this morning!

Joaquin has been sick since Thursday - just cold/low fever, but he's been whiny and cranky and uncomfortable. We have watched 'Cars' about 20 times in the past 4 days.  Similar to last year, January and February are proving to be full of non-stop illness.  I was hoping this year would be better since he's a little older, but he seems to be always battling something, and Art and I are constantly figuring out how to actually go to work.

Could be worse!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Our Snow Day

Come on over, we're all shoveled!

There is something freeing and relaxing when you know you just don't have the option to go anywhere even if you wanted to.  We've been enjoying our blizzard experience so far.  I made cinnamon rolls breakfast, we watched 'Cars', then played out in the snow while Art shoveled for about 2 hours.  Came inside for homemade mac and cheese, and now Joaquin is napping.  Not a bad day!

I think we have about 20 inches on the ground, and the wind has created huge monstrous drifts in our yard.  Our street hasn't been plowed yet.  Here's a few more pics!

Leaving Art alone for a minute



Earning his keep

Art worked really hard!