Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas spirit

We're getting into the Christmas spirit around here.  Joaquin loves Christmas lights and would drive around for hours if we let him.  He threw a tantrum in the car on Friday when he couldn't see the Christmas lights because it was 2 p.m.  He loves bells and apparently learned Jingle Bells at daycare because he came home singing it.
We picked out our tree last weekend after Thanksgiving.  We've made that process painfully easy by just stopping by a local garden center.
Has no clue why mom is taking his picture in front of a tree

Consistent with past years, Joaquin is still pretty hands-off with the tree.  When we first got it up, he said 'ooo nice' and 'it's beautiful!" and since then has just worked around it.  Footballs have knocked a few branches from time to time but that's about it.
Admiring his stocking

And this weekend we got our first snow so we got out to enjoy it a bit today.  Joaquin thinks shoveling is awesome.

 Happy December!!