Stylin' cowboy |
Here's Joaquin in his Tejano cowboy costume! Joaquin really enjoyed dressing up in his cowboy shirt and boots. We went trick or treating on Sunday and Joaquin had a blast. He really wanted to go inside each house and play, so the hardest part was getting him to leave after he got the candy.
Candy! |
Making sure it's still there |
His favorite candy is Tootsie Pops - but he doesn't care for the Tootsie roll center. He hands that over to me and says 'All done, Mama.' He also likes Smarties. He at them and said 'mmm....medicine'. Our trick or treating only lasted about 30 mins so we came home and Joaquin got to greet the trick or treaters for the rest of the night. He liked it when friends came over, but was sad when they left and took candy with them. We were able to make all the candy disappear overnight without incident. Next year we probably won't be so lucky.