Saturday, June 19, 2010

The new trike

Joaquin's birthday was a pretty low-key affair this year, which was kind of nice.  We did go to Uncle Marc and Aunt Lindsay's and cousin Ryan for a small celebration. Ryan and Joaquin are really starting to interact with one another as opposed to just playing independently near each other.  Ryan is thrilled about this development!!
Art's and my gift to Joaquin was a new tricycle.  It is red with awesome fenders, tassels on the handle bars and a nice bell.  Joaquin loves it and calls it his 'beek'.  His legs are still a little short to reach the pedals, so he just pushes himself along with his feet.  He loves the bell. The sidewalk out front is on a slight decline, so he scoots himself along and once he gets going at a good clip, he rings the bell. 
The only downside is that he doesn't always want to ride his trike all the way home. So, he just stops and abandons it...realizing he can just run and probably get to his destination a little faster.  That leave me or Art to carry or push it home.  He just hops off and starts running, and then quickly glances back at the trike.  Maybe he's into training for some sort of toddler triathlon...hmm.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Joaquin is 2

I've received more than a little flack for letting poor Joaquin stare at that airplane for 4 months.  Sometimes I just need a break from the blog.  BUT today is a big day because my baby is 2 years old today.  I really can't believe it.  He's pretty clueless about the importance of the day - and I have started to coach him on what to say if someone asks 'How old are you?".  He's still learning.  He has a whole year to learn to hold up 2 fingers or say 'TWOOOOO'.

So since it's been a while here's the latest summary of Joaquin's likes and dislikes:

Airplanes (still).

Nooooodles.  Still...although the noodle obsession has grown because often when he's hungry he will say "Eat?........Noodles?"  Joaquin is a perfect angel when we eat at Noodles and Co.  We were just there last week and he sits and waits for his mac n' cheese and pretty much eats it by himself.  Art and I are a little sick of eating at Noodles and Co. but we can't argue with the positive results we get when we go.  I will enjoy my noodles in peace.   Most other restaurants, he just wants up and out of his high-chair ASAP.  

His Dada.  Joaquin is more than a little obsessed with Art's whereabouts.  If Art isn't around, he constantly says 'Dada?' and I constantly say 'Dada's at workies', or wherever.   Art leaves for work before I take Joaquin to daycare and we stand on the porch and watch him go and shed a little tear.

Singing and Dancing (still).  I get so much joy watching Joaquin in his carseat bop his head to the music and sing along.  He pretty much always gets the last syllable of a line of music.  So, we like a kids song that goes 'I'm having a bad day'.  And Joaquin chimes in right on queue to sing 'Daay'.  However, he really loves the song Paparazzi by Lady Gaga and can sing along with half the words in that song, I swear.  He says 'Papa...Papa...{head bop} Zee'.

Crossing the street:  Joaquin enjoys going back and forth across the street or running down the path by our house and then crossing back and forth.  I am using it as a teachable moment but wouldn't mind actually going somewhere.

Declaring things are his.  Joaquin is developing a possessive streak.  He loves string cheese, for example, but now instead of eating it when I give it to him, he likes to just hold it until it gets warm and floppy.  He takes comfort in just knowing it's there.  He does the same with Oreos.
With other things, like toys, keys or sunglasses, he picks them up and then says 'MINE!' and with that declaration, they are his in his mind.

Sharing.   Probably not surprising, but once he declares something as his, he doesn't want to share it and lots of crying and pointing and drama ensues.  Fun moments as a parent of a toddler.

Not getting his way.  Ok, he's two.  So there's no consistency anymore.  He just gets pissed when he's not doing what he wants to do.  He makes snap decisions.  Like, 80% of the time he loves to sing A B C D' or 'Twinkle Twinkle little Star' with me.  But sometimes he's just not in the mood and he yells 'NO!!' when I start to sing.  You just can't keep up and it's not worth trying.

He can be a 2 year old monster that sometimes I can't wait to send to daycare or put to bed. ha.  He will roll on the floor and writhe and scream and run away and cry and stomp when he's having a good tantrum.  But that's ok i suppose.

Joaquin is also a sweetie who loves to give hugs and usually will give me a kiss when I ask.  The teachers at daycare still describe him as gentle and loving.  Sometimes he looks at me and says 'Baby' and that's my queue to pick him up and hold him like a baby.  He has a couple of stuffed animals that he likes to nurture.  He feeds his Chickie goldfish.  He puts his Bear to Night Nights or pulls him around on a toy. 

So Happy birthday to Joaquin.  I really can't believe you're two.  xoxoxoxo and lots of love from your Mama and Dada.