Sunday, March 22, 2009


My latest trick to keep Joaquin occupied for a while it to put him in front of the washer or dryer while it is running. That actually keeps him in place for a good long while. And by 'good long while', I mean long enough to unload the dishwasher or something. On this day, he was really amazed because both the washer and the dryer were going AT THE SAME TIME!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fresh Air

We had some great spring weather this week so Joaquin actually got to hang out outside for a while! It was so strange to just be able to walk right out the front door with him without having to endure the battle of putting on a hat and coat. He crawled on the sidewalk for the first time and was a little curious about the dirt, but didn't want to get too close. We went for a walk down to the park and he played on the swings and the playground a little bit. I can't wait till we can get outside on a more regular basis. The rotation of family room to Joaquin's bedroom to kitchen is boring me, and Joaquin tells me he feels the same way.