Wednesday, August 27, 2008

12 weeks

Joaquin is 12 weeks old now. Here he is at the dinner table ready for his first Thai food.


Joaquin is not a big fan of the bottle. He's gotten better in the past couple days...but he prefers his milk on tap.

Vacation week

Art was off of work last week. It was nice to have him around full time. We went down to our old neighborhood in Chicago one day and went to the park, and to one of my favorite restaurants, Cafe Selmarie, for lunch.

Me sans baby at lunch.

Smiley baby

Just proof that Joaquin has learned how to smile...a little blurry, but you get the idea. He's happy...most of the time. Makes my life good.

Uncle Marc and Aunt Lindsay's house

We were down in Lockport last weekend. Joaquin is the first nephew who's ever been in Marc and Lindsay's house :). Here's a couple was a fun day!

Miscellaneous fun

Here's Joaquin in his Sox jacket--Go White Sox! He's not used to layering yet.

And here, showing general disgust at me for putting him in the carseat. Carseats are for peasants, he thinks.

And lastly...a snooze on the couch with his mama.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Holy cow

No pictures...but just wanted to note that Joaquin slept from 10 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. last night. It's a miracle. I did get up to check on him 4 times, however. We'll see if he can keep this up!