Monday, July 28, 2008

7.5 weeks

Nearing the 2 month's Joaquin in a big boy shirt and shorts.

On Friday, we went out for dinner to our favorite local Mexican place...and Joaquin was very considerate and allowed us an enjoyable meal.

Transitioning to the crib

We've spent the last week transitioning Joaquin to sleeping in his crib. Perhaps a tactical error for not putting him there in the first place! He had been sleeping in his 'Baby Papasan', but was outgrowing it, and not sleeping as well as demonstrated here-->

So, we had a few rough nights, but now he's doing alright.

But nothing beats a nap in the swing...

Bath time

I think Joaquin is starting to consistently enjoy his baths. Here's a couple of photos from his bath on Friday.

Meet the babies

This picture was so cute, I poached it from Abby's blog. Four of us from college have all had babies this year. My friend Abby hosted a 'Meet the babies' day at her house a couple weeks ago.
Starting at the left is Abby's daughter Leah, Kim's daughter Carly, then Joaquin, and then Wendy's daughter Emily. Leah is 5 months in this photo, Emily is 4 months, and Carly and Joaquin are both about 6 weeks in this photo. It was a lot of fun!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally some pics

I'm typing one handed since I have a baby in the other. Joaquin is getting big, and time really does go as fast as everyone said it would. Here's a summary of his likes and dislikes.....

Likes: The swing, food, naps in the swing, the activity mat, the Baby Papasan

Dislikes: the crib, car rides

Undecided: baths, pacifiers

Here are just a few photos of him over the past two weeks. Enjoy!